Syracuse Post

From Pulpit and Press by

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9          [The Post, Syracuse, New York, February 1, 1895]




         Christian Scientists in this city, and in fact all over the

         country, have been startled and greatly discomfited over

15    the announcements in New York papers that Mrs. Mary

         Baker G. Eddy, the acknowledged Christian Science

         Leader, has been exalted by various dignitaries of the

18    faith. . . .

         It is well known that Mrs. Eddy has resigned herself

         completely to the study and foundation of the faith to which

21    many thousands throughout the United States are now so

         entirely devoted. By her followers and cobelievers she is

         unquestionably looked upon as having a divine mission to

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1      fulfil, and as though inspired in her great task by super-

         natural power.

3      For the purpose of learning the feeling of Scientists in this

         city toward the reported deification of Mrs. Eddy, a Post

         reporter called upon a few of the leading members of the

6      faith yesterday and had a number of very interesting con-

         versations upon the subject.

         Mrs. D. W. Copeland of University Avenue was one of

9      the first to be seen. Mrs. Copeland is a very pleasant and

         agreeable lady, ready to converse, and evidently very much

         absorbed in the work to which she has given so much of

12    her attention. Mrs. Copeland claims to have been healed

         a number of years ago by Christian Scientists, after she

         had practically been given up by a number of well-known

15    physicians.

         “And for the past eleven years,” said Mrs. Copeland,

         “I have not taken any medicine or drugs of any kind, and

18    yet have been perfectly well.”

         In regard to Mrs. Eddy, Mrs. Copeland said that she

         was the Founder of the faith, but that she had never

21    claimed, nor did she believe that Mrs. Lathrop had, that

         Mrs. Eddy had any power other than that which came

         from God and through faith in Him and His teachings.

24    “The power of Christ has been dormant in mankind for

         ages,” added the speaker, “and it was Mrs. Eddy’s mission

         to revive it. In our labors we take Christ as an example,

27    going about doing good and healing the sick. Christ has

         told us to do his work, naming as one great essential that

         we have faith in him.

30    “Did you ever hear of Jesus’ taking medicine himself, or

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1      giving it to others?” inquired the speaker. “Then why

         should we worry ourselves about sickness and disease?

3      If we become sick, God will care for us, and will send to

         us those who have faith, who believe in His unlimited and

         divine power. Mrs. Eddy was strictly an ardent follower

6      after God. She had faith in Him, and she cured herself of

         a deathly disease through the mediation of her God. Then

         she secluded herself from the world for three years and

9      studied and meditated over His divine Word. She delved

         deep into the Biblical passages, and at the end of the period

         came from her seclusion one of the greatest Biblical schol-

12    ars of the age. Her mission was then the mission of a

         Christian, to do good and heal the sick, and this duty she

         faithfully performed. She of herself had no power. But

15    God has fulfilled His promises to her and to the world.

         If you have faith, you can move mountains.”

         Mrs. Henrietta N. Cole is also a very prominent member

18    of the church. When seen yesterday she emphasized her-

         self as being of the same theory as Mrs. Copeland. Mrs.

         Cole has made a careful and searching study in the beliefs

21    of Scientists, and is perfectly versed in all their beliefs and

         doctrines. She stated that man of himself has no power,

         but that all comes from God. She placed no credit what-

24    ever in the reports from New York that Mrs. Eddy has

         been accredited as having been deified. She referred the

         reporter to the large volume which Mrs. Eddy had herself

27    written, and said that no more complete and yet concise

         idea of her belief could be obtained than by a perusal of it.

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