Is There Any Such Thing As Sin?

From No and Yes by

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         Frequently when I touch this subject my meaning is
12    ignorantly or maliciously misconstrued. Christian Science
         Mind-healing lifts with a steady arm, and cleaves sin with
         a broad battle-axe. It gives the lie to sin, in the spirit of
15    Truth; but other theories make sin true. Jesus declared
         that the devil was “a liar, and the father of it.” A lie is
         negation, — alias nothing, or the opposite of something.
18    Good is great and real. Hence its opposite, named evil,
         must be small and unreal. When this sense is attained,
         we shall no longer be the servants of sin, and shall cease
21    to love it.

         The domination of good destroys the sense of evil. To
         illustrate: It seems a great evil to belie and belittle Chris-
24    tian Science, and persecute a Cause which is healing its
         thousands and rapidly diminishing the percentage of sin.
         But reduce this evil to its lowest terms, nothing, and slander

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1      loses its power to harm; for even the wrath of man shall
         praise Him. The reduction of evil, in Science, gives the
3      dominance to God, and must lead us to bless those who
         curse, that thus we may overcome evil with good.

         If the Bible and my work Science and Health had their
6      rightful place in schools of learning, they would revolu-
         tionize the world by advancing the kingdom of Christ.
         It requires sacrifice, struggle, prayer, and watchfulness
9      to understand and demonstrate what these volumes teach,
         because they involve divine Science, with fixed Principle,
         a given rule, and unmistakable proof.

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