Chapter 20 — General Miscellany

From Miscellany by

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1             [Boston Herald, Sunday, May 15, 1898]


3     HAIL, brother! fling thy banner
       To the billows and the breeze;
       We proffer thee warm welcome
6        With our hand, though not our knees.

       Lord of the main and manor!
       Thy palm, in ancient day,
9     Didst rock the country’s cradle
       That wakes thy laureate’s lay.

       The hoar fight is forgotten;
12       Our eagle, like the dove,
       Returns to bless a bridal
       Betokened from above.

15    List, brother! angels whisper
       To Judah’s sceptred race, —
       “Thou of the self-same spirit,
18       Allied by nations’ grace,

       “Wouldst cheer the hosts of heaven;
       For Anglo-Israel, lo!
21    Is marching under orders;
       His hand averts the blow.”

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1     Brave Britain, blest America!
       Unite your battle-plan;
3     Victorious, all who live it, —
       The love for God and man.


6     The following views of the Rev. Mary Baker Eddy
       upon the subject of the Trinity, are known to us to be
       those uniformly held and expressed by her. A reference
9     to her writings will fully corroborate this statement. —

       EDITOR Sentinel.
       The contents of the last lecture of our dear brother,
12    on the subject “The Unknown God Made Known,”
       were unknown to me till after the lecture was delivered
       in Boston, April 5.

15    The members of the Board of Lectureship are not
       allowed to consult me relative to their subjects or the
       handling thereof, owing to my busy life, and they seek a
18    higher source for wisdom and guidance. The talented
       author of this lecture has a heart full of love towards
       God and man. For once he may have overlooked the
21    construction that people unfamiliar with his broad
       views and loving nature might put on his comparisons
       and ready humor. But all Christian Scientists deeply
24    recognize the oneness of Jesus — that he stands alone
       in word and deed, the visible discoverer, founder, de-
       monstrator, and great Teacher of Christianity, whose
27    sandals none may unloose.

       The Board of Lectureship is absolutely inclined to
       be, and is instructed to be, charitable towards all, and

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1     hating none. The purpose of its members is to sub-
       serve the interest of mankind, and to cement the bonds
3     of Christian brotherhood, whose every link leads up-
       ward in the chain of being. The cardinal points of
       Christian Science cannot be lost sight of, namely — one
6     God, supreme, infinite, and one Christ Jesus.

       The Board of Lectureship is specially requested to be
       wise in discoursing on the great subject of Christian
9     Science.



12    Along the lines of progressive Christendom, New
       Hampshire’s advancement is marked. Already Massa-
       chusetts has exchanged Fast Day, and all that it for-
15    merly signified, for Patriots’ Day, and the observance
       of the holiday illustrates the joy, grace, and glory of lib-
       erty. We read in Holy Writ that the disciples of St.
18    John the Baptist said to the great Master, “Why do we
       and the Pharisees fast oft, but thy disciples fast not?”
       And he answered them in substance: My disciples
21    rejoice in their present Christianity and have no cause
       to mourn; only those who have not the Christ, Truth,
       within them should wear sackcloth.

24    Jesus said to his disciples, “This kind goeth not out but
       by prayer and fasting,” but he did not appoint a fast.
       Merely to abstain from eating was not sufficient to meet
27    his demand. The animus of his saying was: Silence
       appetites, passion, and all that wars against Spirit and
       spiritual power. The fact that he healed the sick man
30    without the observance of a material fast confirms this

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1     conclusion. Jesus attended feasts, but we have no record
       of his observing appointed fasts.

3     St. Paul’s days for prayer were every day and every
       hour. He said, “Pray without ceasing.” He classed
       the usage of special days and seasons for religious ob-
6     servances and precedents as belonging not to the Chris-
       tian era, but to traditions, old-wives’ fables, and endless

9     The enlightenment, the erudition, the progress of relig-
       ion and medicine in New Hampshire, are in excess of
       other States, as witness her schools, her churches, and
12    her frown on class legislation. In many of the States
       in our Union a simple board of health, clad in a little
       brief authority, has arrogated to itself the prerogative
15    of making laws for the State on the practice of medicine!
       But this attempt is shorn of some of its shamelessness by
       the courts immediately annulling such bills and pluck-
18    ing their plumes through constitutional interpretations.
       Not the tradition of the elders, nor a paltering, timid,
       or dastardly policy, is pursued by the leaders of our rock-
21    ribbed State.

       That the Governor of New Hampshire has suggested to
       his constituents to recur to a religious observance which
24    virtually belongs to the past, should tend to enhance their
       confidence in his intention to rule righteously the affairs
       of state. However, Jesus’ example in this, as in all else,
27    suffices for the Christian era. The dark days of our fore-
       fathers and their implorations for peace and plenty have
       passed, and are succeeded by our time of abundance, even
30    the full beneficence of the laws of the universe which
       man’s diligence has utilized. Institutions of learning and
       progressive religion light their fires in every home.

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1     I have one innate joy, and love to breathe it to the
       breeze as God’s courtesy. A native of New Hampshire,
3     a child of the Republic, a Daughter of the Revolution, I
       thank God that He has emblazoned on the escutcheon
       of this State, engraven on her granite rocks, and lifted
6     to her giant hills the ensign of religious liberty — “Free-
       dom to worship God.”


9     Beloved brethren all over our land and in every land,
       accept your Leader’s Spring greeting, while

       The bird of hope is singing
12       A lightsome lay, a cooing call,
       And in her heart is beating
       A love for all —
15       ” ‘Tis peace not power I seek,
       ‘Tis meet that man be meek.”

       [New York Herald, May 1, 1901]

18                       [Extract]


       Christian Science has been so much to the fore of late
21    that unusual public interest centres in the personality
       of Mrs. Mary Baker Eddy, the Founder of the cult.
       The granting of interviews is not usual, hence it was
24    a special favor that Mrs. Eddy received the Herald

       It had been raining all day and was damp without, so
27    the change from the misty air outside to the pleasant

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1     warmth within the ample, richly furnished house was
       agreeable. Seated in the large parlor, I became aware
3     of a white-haired lady slowly descending the stairs.
       She entered with a gracious smile, walking uprightly and
       with light step, and after a kindly greeting took a seat
6     on a sofa. It was Mrs. Eddy. There was no mis-
       taking that. Older in years, white-haired and frailer,
       but Mrs. Eddy herself. The likeness to the portraits
9     of twenty years ago, so often seen in reproductions, was
       unmistakable. There is no mistaking certain lines that
       depend upon the osseous structure; there is no mistaking
12    the eyes — those eyes the shade of which is so hard to
       catch, whether blue-gray or grayish brown, and which
       are always bright. And when I say frail, let it not be
15    understood that I mean weak, for weak she was not.
       When we were snugly seated in the other and smaller
       parlor across the hall, which serves as a library, Mrs.
18    Eddy sat back to be questioned.

       “The continuity of The Church of Christ, Scientist,”
       she said, in her clear voice, “is assured. It is growing
21    wonderfully. It will embrace all the churches, one by
       one, because in it alone is the simplicity of the oneness
       of God; the oneness of Christ and the perfecting of man
24    stated scientifically.”

       “How will it be governed after all now concerned in
       its government shall have passed on?”

27    “It will evolve scientifically. Its essence is evangelical.
       Its government will develop as it progresses.”

       “Will there be a hierarchy, or will it be directed by a
30    single earthly ruler?”

       “In time its present rules of service and present ruler-
       ship will advance nearer perfection.”

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1     It was plain that the answers to questions would be
       in Mrs. Eddy’s own spirit. She has a rapt way of talk-
3     ing, looking large-eyed into space, and works around a
       question in her own way, reaching an answer often
       unexpectedly after a prolonged exordium. She explained:
6     “No present change is contemplated in the rulership.
       You would ask, perhaps, whether my successor will be a
       woman or a man. I can answer that. It will be a man.”

9     “Can you name the man?”

       “I cannot answer that now.”

       Here, then, was the definite statement that Mrs. Eddy’s
12    immediate successor would, like herself, be the ruler.

       Not a Pope or a Christ

       “I have been called a pope, but surely I have sought
15    no such distinction. I have simply taught as I learned
       while healing the sick. It was in 1866 that the light of
       the Science came first to me. In 1875 I wrote my book.
18    It brought down a shower of abuse upon my head, but
       it won converts from the first. I followed it up, teaching
       and organizing, and trust in me grew. I was the mother,
21    but of course the term pope is used figuratively.

       “A position of authority,” she went on, “became
       necessary. Rules were necessary, and I made a code of
24    by-laws, but each one was the fruit of experience and the
       result of prayer. Entrusting their enforcement to others,
       I found at one time that they had five churches under
27    discipline. I intervened. Dissensions are dangerous in
       an infant church. I wrote to each church in tenderness,
       in exhortation, and in rebuke, and so brought all back to
30    union and love again. If that is to be a pope, then you

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1     can judge for yourself. I have even been spoken of as a
       Christ, but to my understanding of Christ that is impos-
3     sible. If we say that the sun stands for God, then all his
       rays collectively stand for Christ, and each separate ray
       for men and women. God the Father is greater than
6     Christ, but Christ is ‘one with the Father,’ and so the
       mystery is scientifically explained. There can be but
       one Christ.”

9     “And the soul of man?”

       “It is not the spirit of God, inhabiting clay and then
       withdrawn from it, but God preserving individuality and
12    personality to the end. I hold it absurd to say that when
       a man dies, the man will be at once better than he was
       before death. How can it be? The individuality of him
15    must make gradual approaches to Soul’s perfection.”

       “Do you reject utterly the bacteria theory of the
       propagation of disease?”

18    “Oh,” with a prolonged inflection, “entirely. If I
       harbored that idea about a disease, I should think myself
       in danger of catching it.”

21            About Infectious Diseases

       “Then as to the laws — the health laws of the States
       on the question of infectious and contagious diseases.
24    How does Christian Science stand as to them?”

       “I say, ‘Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s.’
       We cannot force perfection on the world. Were vaccina-
27    tion of any avail, I should tremble for mankind; but,
       knowing it is not, and that the fear of catching small-
       pox is more dangerous than any material infection, I
30    say: Where vaccination is compulsory, let your children

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1     be vaccinated, and see that your mind is in such a state
       that by your prayers vaccination will do the children no
3     harm. So long as Christian Scientists obey the laws, I
       do not suppose their mental reservations will be thought
       to matter much. But every thought tells, and Christian
6     Science will overthrow false knowledge in the end.”

       “What is your attitude to science in general? Do you
       oppose it?”

9      “Not,” with a smile, “if it is really science.”

       “Well, electricity, engineering, the telephone, the steam
       engine — are these too material for Christian Science?”

12    “No; only false science — healing by drugs. I was a
       sickly child. I was dosed with drugs until they had no
       effect on me. The doctors said I would live if the drugs
15    could be made to act on me. Then homoeopathy came
       like blessed relief to me, but I found that when I pre-
       scribed pellets without any medication they acted just
18    the same and healed the sick. How could I believe in
       a science of drugs?”

       “But surgery?”

21    “The work done by the surgeon is the last healing that
       will be vouchsafed to us, or rather attained by us, as we
       near a state of spiritual perfection. At present I am
24    conservative about advice on surgical cases.”

       “But the pursuit of modern material inventions?”

       “Oh, we cannot oppose them. They all tend to newer,
27    finer, more etherealized ways of living. They seek the finer
       essences. They light the way to the Church of Christ.
       We use them, we make them our figures of speech.
30    They are preparing the way for us.”

       We talked on many subjects, some only of which are
       here touched upon, and her views, strictly and always

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1     from the standpoint of Christian Science, were continu-
       ally surprising. She talks as one who has lived with her
3     subject for a lifetime, — an ordinary lifetime; and so
       far from being puzzled by any question, welcomes it as
       another opportunity for presenting another view of her
6     religion.

       Those who have been anticipating nature and declaring
       Mrs. Eddy non-existent may learn authoritatively from
9     the Herald that she is in the flesh and in health. Soon
       after I reached Concord on my return from Pleasant
       View, Mrs. Eddy’s carriage drove into town and made
12    several turns about the court-house before returning.
       She was inside, and as she passed me the same ex-
       pression of looking forward, thinking, thinking, was on
15    her face.

       CONCORD, N. H.,
       Tuesday, April 30, 1901


       In a recent interview which appeared in the columns
       of the New York Herald, the Rev. Mary Baker Eddy,
21    Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, stated that
       her successor would be a man. Various conjectures
       having arisen as to whether she had in mind any particu-
24    lar person when the statement was made, Mrs. Eddy
       gave the following to the Associated Press, May 16,
       1901: —

27    “I did say that a man would be my future successor.
       By this I did not mean any man to-day on earth.

       “Science and Health makes it plain to all Christian
30    Scientists that the manhood and womanhood of God

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1     have already been revealed in a degree through Christ
       Jesus and Christian Science, His two witnesses. What
3     remains to lead on the centuries and reveal my successor,
       is man in the image and likeness of the Father-Mother
       God, man the generic term for mankind.”


       The Executive Members of The Mother Church of
       Christ, Scientist, will please accept my heartfelt acknowl-
9     edgment of their beautiful gift to me, a loving-cup, pre-
       sented July 16, 1903. The exquisite design of boughs
       encircling this cup, illustrated by Keats’ touching couplet,

12       Ah happy, happy boughs, that cannot shed
       Your leaves, nor ever bid the Spring adieu!

       would almost suggest that nature had reproduced her
15    primal presence, bough, bird, and song, to salute me.
       The twelve beautiful pearls that crown this cup call to
       mind the number of our great Master’s first disciples, and
18    the parable of the priceless pearl which purchases our
       field of labor in exchange for all else.

       I shall treasure my loving-cup with all its sweet
21    associations.

       [Special contribution to “Bohemia.” A symposium]


24    Most thinkers concede that Science is the law of God;
       that matter is not a law-maker; that man is not the
       author of Science, and that a phenomenon is chimerical,
27    unless it be the manifestation of a fixed Principle whose
       noumenon is God and whose phenomenon is Science.

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1     My discovery that mankind is absolutely healed of so-
       called disease and injuries by other than drugs, surgery,
3     hygiene, electricity, magnetism, or will-power, induced a
       deep research, which proved conclusively that all effect
       must be the offspring of a universal cause. I sought this
6     cause, not within but ab extra, and I found it was God
       made manifest in the flesh, and understood through divine
       Science. Then I was healed, and the greatest of all ques-
9     tions was solved sufficiently to give a reason for the hope
       that was within me.

       The religious departure from divine Science sprang from
12    the belief that the man Jesus, rather than his divine Prin-
       ciple, God, saves man, and that materia medica heals him.
       The writer’s departure from such a religion was based upon
15    her discovery that neither man nor materia medica, but
       God, heals and saves mankind.

       Here, however, was no stopping-place, since Science
18    demanded a rational proof that the divine Mind heals
       the sick and saves the sinner. God unfolded the way, the
       demonstration thereof was made, and the certainty of its
21    value to the race firmly established. I had found unmis-
       takably an actual, unfailing causation, enshrined in the
       divine Principle and in the laws of man and the universe,
24    which, never producing an opposite effect, demonstrated
       Christianity and proved itself Science, for it healed the
       sick and reformed the sinner on a demonstrable Principle
27    and given rule. The human demonstrator of this Science
       may mistake, but the Science remains the law of God —
       infallible, eternal. Divine Life, Truth, Love is the basic
30    Principle of all Science, it solves the problem of being;
       and nothing that worketh ill can enter into the solution
       of God’s problems.

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1     God is Mind, and divine Mind was first chronologi-
       cally, is first potentially, and is the healer to whom all
3     things are possible. A scientific state of health is a
       consciousness of health, holiness, immortality — a con-
       sciousness gained through Christ, Truth; while disease
6     is a mental state or error that Truth destroys. It is self-
       evident that matter, or the body, cannot cause disease,
       since disease is in a sense susceptible of both ease and
9     dis-ease, and matter is not sensible. Kant, Locke, Berke-
       ley, Tyndall, and Spencer afford little aid in understand-
       ing divine metaphysics or its therapeutics. Christian
12    Science is a divine largess, a gift of God — understood
       by and divinely natural to him who sits at the feet of
       Jesus clothed in truth, who is putting off the hypothesis
15    of matter because he is conscious of the allness of God —
       “looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith.”
       Thus the great Way-shower, invested with glory, is under-
18    stood, and his words and works illustrate “the way, the
       truth, and the life.”
~        Divine modes or manifestations are natural, beyond
21    the so-called natural sciences and human philosophy,
       because they are spiritual, and coexist with the God of
       nature in absolute Science. The laws of God, or divine
24    Mind, obtain not in material phenomena, or phenomenal
       evil, which is lawless and traceable to mortal mind —
       human will divorced from Science.

27    Inductive or deductive reasoning is correct only as it
       is spiritual, induced by love and deduced from God,
       Spirit; only as it makes manifest the infinite nature,
30    including all law and supplying all the needs of man.
       Wholly hypothetical, inductive reasoning reckons creation
       as its own creator, seeks cause in effect, and from atom

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1     and dust draws its conclusions of Deity and man, law and
       gospel, leaving science at the beck of material phenomena,
3     or leaving it out of the question. To begin with the
       divine noumenon, Mind, and to end with the phenom-
       enon, matter, is minus divine logic and plus human hy-
6     pothesis, with its effects, sin, disease, and death. It was
       in this dilemma that revelation, uplifting human reason,
       came to the writer’s rescue, when calmly and rationally,
9     though faintly, she spiritually discerned the divine idea
       of the cosmos and Science of man.


12    Father, did’st not Thou the dark wave treading
       Lift from despair the struggler with the sea?
       And heed’st Thou not the scalding tear man’s shedding,
15    And know’st Thou not the pathway glad and free?

       This weight of anguish which they blindly bind
       On earth, this bitter searing to the core of love;
18    This crushing out of health and peace, mankind —
       Thou all, Thou infinite — dost doom above.

       Oft mortal sense is darkened unto death
21    (The Stygian shadow of a world of glee);
       The old foundations of an early faith
       Sunk from beneath man, whither shall he flee?

24    To Love divine, whose kindling mighty rays
       Brighten the horoscope of crumbling creeds,
       Dawn Truth delightful, crowned with endless days,
27    And Science ripe in prayer, in word, and deeds.

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       With our Leader’s kind permission, the Sentinel is
3     privileged to publish her letter of recent date, addressed
       to Mr. John C. Higdon of St. Louis, Mo. This letter
       is especially interesting on account of its beautiful tribute
6     to Free Masonry.

       Beloved Student: — Your interesting letter was handed
       to me duly. This is my earliest moment in which to
9     answer it.

       “Know Thyself,” the title of your gem quoted, is
       indeed a divine command, for the morale of Free Masonry
12    is above ethics — it touches the hem of his garment
       who spake divinely.

       It was truly Masonic, tender, grand in you to remember
15    me as the widow of a Mason. May you and I and all
       mankind meet in that hour of Soul where are no part-
       ings, no pain.

18                    Lovingly yours in Christ,

21            February 9, 1906


       I have not read Gerhardt C. Mars’ book, “The Inter-
24    pretation of Life,” therefore I have not endorsed it, and
       any assertions to the contrary are false. Christian Scien-
       tists are not concerned with philosophy; divine Science
27    is all they need, or can have in reality.


30            June 24, 1908

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3      Chestnut Hill, Mass.

       Beloved Leader: — Informally assembled, we, the ushers
       of your church, desire to express our recognition of the
6     blessings that have come to us through the peculiar priv-
       ileges we enjoy in this church work. We are prompted
       to acknowledge our debt of gratitude to you for your
9     life of spirituality, with its years of tender ministry, yet
       we know that the real gratitude is what is proved in
       better lives.

12    It is our earnest prayer that we may so reflect in our
       thoughts and acts the teachings of Christian Science that
       our daily living may be a fitting testimony of the efficacy
15    of our Cause in the regeneration of mankind.


       BOSTON, MASS., October 9, 1908

       Mrs. Eddy’s Reply

       Beloved Ushers of The Mother Church of Christ, Sci-
       entist: — I thank you not only for your tender letter to
21    me, but for ushering into our church the hearers and the
       doers of God’s Word.


       October 12, 1908


27    Beloved Christian Scientists: — Accept my thanks for
       your successful plans for the first issue of The Christian
       Science Monitor. My desire is that every Christian

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1     Scientist, and as many others as possible, subscribe for
       and read our daily newspaper.

3                              MARY BAKER EDDY

       November 16, 1908

6     [Extract from the leading Editorial in Vol. 1, No. 1, of The
       Christian Science Monitor, November 25, 1908]


9     I have given the name to all the Christian Science
       periodicals. The first was The Christian Science Jour-
       nal, designed to put on record the divine Science of
12    Truth; the second I entitled Sentinel, intended to hold
       guard over Truth, Life, and Love; the third, Der Herold
       der Christian Science, to proclaim the universal activity
15    and availability of Truth; the next I named Monitor,
       to spread undivided the Science that operates unspent.
       The object of the Monitor is to injure no man, but to
18    bless all mankind.



21    MRS. EDDY’S ROOM. — SECTION 17. The room in
       The Mother Church formerly known as “Mother’s
       Room” shall hereafter be closed to visitors.

24    There is nothing in this room now of any special in-
       terest. “Let the dead bury their dead,” and the spiritual
       have all place and power.

27                             MARY BAKER EDDY

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       In view of complaints from the field, because of alleged
3     misrepresentations by persons offering Bibles and other
       books for sale which they claim have been endorsed by
       me, it is due the field to state that I recommend nothing
6     but what is published or sold by The Christian Science
       Publishing Society. Christian Scientists are under no
       obligation to buy books for which my endorsement is
9     claimed.


12           April 28, 1909


       JANUARY 1, 1910

15                          I
       O blessings infinite!
       O glad New Year!
18       Sweet sign and substance
       Of God’s presence here.

21       Give us not only angels’ songs,
       But Science vast, to which belongs
       The tongue of angels
24            And the song of songs.


       [The above lines were written extemporaneously by
27    Mrs. Eddy on New Year’s morning. The members of her

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1     household were with her at the time, and it was gratifying
       to them, as it will be to the field, to see in her spiritualized
3     thought and mental vigor a symbol of the glad New Year
       on which we have just entered. — EDITOR Sentinel.


6     A letter from a student in the field says there is a grave
       need for more men in Christian Science practice.

       I have not infrequently hinted at this. However, if
9     the occasion demands it, I will repeat that men are very
       important factors in our field of labor for Christian
       Science. The male element is a strong supporting arm
12    to religion as well as to politics, and we need in our ranks
       of divine energy, the strong, the faithful, the untiring
       spiritual armament.

15                            MARY BAKER EDDY

       February 7, 1910


       “Behind a frowning providence
       He hides a shining face.”

21    The Christian Scientists at Mrs. Eddy’s home are
       the happiest group on earth. Their faces shine with
       the reflection of light and love; their footsteps are not
24    weary; their thoughts are upward; their way is onward,
       and their light shines. The world is better for this
       happy group of Christian Scientists; Mrs. Eddy is hap-
27    pier because of them; God is glorified in His reflection
       of peace, love, joy.

Page 356

1     Whenwill mankind awake to know their present owner-
       ship of all good, and praise and love the spot where God
3     dwells most conspicuously in His reflection of love and
       leadership ? When will the world waken to the privilege
       of knowing God, the liberty and glory of His presence,
6     — where

       “He plants His footsteps in the sea
       And rides upon the storm.”

9                             MARY BAKER EDDY

       April 20, 1910


       Editor Christian Science Sentinel: — In reply to in-
       quiries, will you please state that within the last five
15    years I have given no assurance, no encouragement nor
       consent to have my picture issued, other than the ones
       now and heretofore presented in Science and Health.

18                                  MARY BAKER EDDY

       July 18, 1910


       No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one,
       and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the
24    other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon. — MATTHEW 6: 24.

       The infinite is one, and this one is Spirit; Spirit is
       God, and this God is infinite good.

27    This simple statement of oneness is the only possible
       correct version of Christian Science. God being infinite,

Page 357

1     He is the only basis of Science; hence materiality is wholly
       apart from Christian Science, and is only a “Suffer it to
3     be so now” until we arrive at the spiritual fulness of God,
       Spirit, even the divine idea of Christian Science, —
       Christ, born of God, the offspring of Spirit, — wherein
6     matter has neither part nor portion, because matter is the
       absolute opposite of spiritual means, manifestation, and
       demonstration. The only incentive of a mistaken sense
9     is malicious animal magnetism, — the name of all evil, —
       and this must be understood.

       I have crowned The Mother Church building with the
12    spiritual modesty of Christian Science, which is its jewel.
       When my dear brethren in New York desire to build
       higher,—to enlarge their phylacteries and demonstrate
15    Christian Science to a higher extent, — they must begin
       on a wholly spiritual foundation, than which there is no
       other, and proportionably estimate their success and
18    glory of achievement only as they build upon the rock of
       Christ, the spiritual foundation. This will open the way,
       widely and impartially, to their never-ending success, —
21    to salvation and eternal Christian Science.

       Spirit is infinite; therefore Spirit is all. “There is no
       matter” is not only the axiom of true Christian Science,
24    but it is the only basis upon which this Science can be



       Beloved Student: — I have just finished reading your
       interesting letter. I thank you for acknowledging me as
30    your Leader, and I know that every true follower of

Page 358

1     Christian Science abides by the definite rules which de-
       monstrate the true following of their Leader; therefore,
3     if you are sincere in your protestations and are doing as
       you say you are, you will be blessed in your obedience.

       The Scriptures say, “Watch and pray, that ye enter
6     not into temptation.” You are aware that animal mag-
       netism is the opposite of divine Science, and that this
       opponent is the means whereby the conflict against
9     Truth is engendered and developed. Beloved ! you need
       to watch and pray that the enemy of good cannot separate
       you from your Leader and best earthly friend.

12    You have been duly informed by me that, however
       much I desire to read all that you send to me, I have not
       the time to do so. The Christian Science Publishing
15    Society will settle the question whether or not they shall
       publish your poems. It is part of their duties to relieve
       me of so much labor.

18    I thank you for the money you send me which was
       given you by your students. I shall devote it to a worthy
       and charitable purpose.

21    Mr. Adam Dickey is my secretary, through whom all
       my business is transacted.

       Give my best wishes and love to your dear students
24    and church.

       Lovingly your teacher and Leader,


       July 12, 1909


30    I approve the By-laws of The Mother Church, and
       require the Christian Science Board of Directors to main-

Page 359

1     tain them and sustain them. These Directors do not
       act contrary to the rules of the Church Manual, neither
3     do they trouble me with their difficulties with individ-
       uals in their own church or with the members of branch

6     My province as a Leader — as the Discoverer and
       Founder of Christian Science — is not to interfere in
       cases of discipline, and I hereby publicly declare that I
9     am not personally involved in the affairs of the church in
       any other way than through my written and published
       rules, all of which can be read by the individual who
12    desires to inform himself of the facts.


15     October 12, 1909


       In the Sentinel of July 31, 1909, there appeared under
18    the heading “None good but one,” a number of quota-
       tions from a composite letter, dated July 19, which had
       been written to Mrs. Augusta E. Stetson by twenty-four
21    of her students who then occupied offices in the building
       of First Church of Christ, Scientist, of New York, and
       were known as “the practitioners.” This letter was for-
24    warded to Mrs. Eddy by Mrs. Stetson with the latter’s
       unqualified approval. Upon receipt of this letter Mrs.
       Eddy wrote to Mrs. Stetson as follows: —

27    My Dear Student: — Awake and arise from this temp-
       tation produced by animal magnetism upon yourself,
       allowing your students to deify you and me. Treat your-
30    self for it and get your students to help you rise out of it.

Page 360

1     It will be your destruction if you do not do this. Answer
       this letter immediately.

3                        As ever, lovingly your teacher,


6     July 23, 1909

       A LETTER BY MRS. EDDY (1)

9                        NEW YORK CITY

       Beloved Brethren: — In consideration of the present
       momentous question at issue in First Church of Christ,
12    Scientist, New York City, I am constrained to say, if I
       can settle this church difficulty amicably by a few words,
       as many students think I can, I herewith cheerfully
15    subscribe these words of love: —

       My beloved brethren in First Church of Christ, Sci-
       entist, New York City, I advise you with all my soul to
18    support the Directors of The Mother Church, and unite
       with those in your church who are supporting The Mother
       Church Directors. Abide in fellowship with and obedi-
21    ence to The Mother Church, and in this way God will
       bless and prosper you. This I know, for He has proved
       it to me for forty years in succession.

24                       Lovingly yours,


27           November 13, 1909


       My Dear Student: — Your favor of the 10th instant is
30    at hand. God is above your teacher, your healer, or any

       (1) The text here given is that of the original letter as sent by Mrs. Eddy, and
       published in the Christian Science Sentinel of November 20, 1909. This letter was
       republished in the Sentinel of December 4, 1909, at Mrs. Eddy’s request, with
       the words “in Truth” inserted after the word “Abide.”

Page 361

1     earthly friend. Follow the directions of God as simplified
       in Christian Science, and though it be through deserts
3     He will direct you into the paths of peace.

       I do not presume to give you personal instruction as
       to your relations with other students. All I say is stated
6     in Christian Science to be used as a model. Please find
       it there, and do not bring your Leader into a personal

9     I have not seen Mrs. Stetson for over a year, and have
       not written to her since August 30, 1909.

       Sincerely yours,

12                           MARY BAKER EDDY

       December 11, 1909



18           Chestnut Hill, Mass.

       Beloved Leader: — We rejoice that our church has
       promptly made its demonstration by action at its annual
21    meeting in accordance with your desire for a truly demo-
       cratic and liberal government.

       NEW YORK, N. Y.,
       CHARLES DEAN, Chairman,
27                           ARTHUR O. PROBST, Clerk

       NEW YORK, N. Y.,
       January 19, 1910

Page 362

       Mrs. Eddy’s Reply


       Beloved Brethren: — I rejoice with you in the victory of
       right over wrong, of Truth over error.

6                        MARY BAKER EDDY

       January 20, 1910


       Chestnut Hill, Mass.

12    Revered Leader, Counsellor, and Friend: — The Trustees
       and Readers of all the Christian Science churches and
       societies of Greater New York, for the first time gath-
15    ered in one place with one accord, to confer harmoniously
       and unitedly in promoting and enlarging the activities
       of the Cause of Christian Science in this community, as
18    their first act send you their loving greetings.

       With hearts filled with gratitude to God, we rejoice in
       your inspired leadership, in your wise counselling. We
21    revere and cherish your friendship, and assure you that
       it is our intention to take such action as will unite the
       churches and societies in this field in the bonds of Chris-
24    tian love and fellowship, thus demonstrating practical

       Gratefully yours,


Page 363

9        CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY, Flushing, L. I.,

       By the Committee

       NEW YORK, N. Y.,
12     February 5, 1910

       Mrs. Eddy’s Reply

       This proof that sanity and Science govern the Christian
15    Science churches in Greater New York is soul inspiring.


       [The Christian Science Journal, July, 1895. Reprinted in Christian
18    Science Sentinel, November 13, 1909]“`        TO THE MEMBERS OF THE CHRISTIAN SCIENTIST ASSOCIATION
21    My address before the Christian Scientist Associa-

       tion has been misrepresented and evidently misunder-
       stood by some students. The gist of the whole subject
24    was not to malpractise unwittingly. In order to be
       sure that one is not doing this, he must avoid naming,
       in his mental treatment, any other individual but the
27    patient whom he is treating, and practise only to heal.
       Any deviation from this direct rule is more or less

Page 364

1     dangerous. No mortal is infallible, — hence the Scrip-
       ture, “Judge no man.”

       . . .

3     The rule of mental practice in Christian Science is
       strictly to handle no other mentality but the mind of
       your patient, and treat this mind to be Christly. Any
6     departure from this golden rule is inadmissible. This
       mental practice includes and inculcates the command-
       ment, “Thou shalt have no other gods before me.”
9     Animal magnetism, hypnotism, etc., are disarmed by
       the practitioner who excludes from his own conscious-
       ness, and that of his patients, all sense of the realism
12    of any other cause or effect save that which cometh
       from God. And he should teach his students to defend
       themselves from all evil, and to heal the sick, by
15    recognizing the supremacy and allness of good. This
       epitomizes what heals all manner of sickness and dis-
       ease, moral or physical.


       [Christian Science Sentinel, February 15, 1908]



27       Concord, New Hampshire, to Rev. Mary Baker G.

       Whereas, Rev. Mary Baker G. Eddy has decided to
30    make her home in Massachusetts, after a residence of
       nineteen years in Concord, and

Page 365

1     Whereas, her residence here has been the source of so
       much good to the city, and

3     Whereas, the most kindly and helpful relations have
       ever existed between Mrs. Eddy and Concord and Con-
       cord people,

6     Be It Resolved, That the City of Concord, through its
       Board of Aldermen and Common Council, in joint
       convention, convey to Mrs. Eddy,

9      1. Its appreciation of her life in its midst,

       2. Its regrets over her departure, and

       3. The hope that though absent she will always
12    cherish a loving regard for the city, near which she was
       born, and for its people, among whom she has lived for
       so many years.

15    Be It Resolved, That the Mayor and City Clerk be
       authorized and instructed to sign and attest this testi-
       monial in behalf of the City Council.

18    Done this tenth day of February, nineteen hundred
       and eight.

       CHARLES R. CORNING, Mayor
21    Attest: HENRY E. CHAMBERLAIN, City Clerk

       Mrs. Eddy’s Reply
24            CONCORD, N. H.
       Gentlemen: — I have not only the pleasure, but the
       honor of replying to the City Council of Concord, in
27    joint convention assembled, and to Alderman Cressy,
       for the kindly resolutions passed by your honorable
       body, and for which I thank you deeply. Lest I should
30    acknowledge more than I deserve of praise, I leave their
       courteous opinions to their good judgment.

Page 366

1     My early days hold rich recollections of associations
       with your churches and institutions, and memory has a
3     distinct model in granite of the good folk in Concord,
       which, like the granite of their State, steadfast and
       enduring, has hinted this quality to other states and
6     nations all over the world.

       My home influence, early education, and church
       experience, have unquestionably ripened into the fruits
9     of my present religious experience, and for this I prize
       them. May I honor this origin and deserve the con-
       tinued friendship and esteem of the people in my native
12    State.

       Sincerely yours,


       February 13, 1908

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