Watching Point 374

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374 — WATCH that you keep a constant hold on your lifesaver in Science, which is your privilege to give mentally to others and to the world. One who has made him self indispensable to his fellow-men by giving will certainly find such activity to be in the nature of a life preserver. It is possible to feel that as long as we make ourselves useful to God by giving, He will preserve our life on earth, until our work is done and we are ready to move on to our next assignment. Surely we must pass on from God’s standpoint, in order to avoid passing on from man’s standpoint. It is the passing on of our good to others that God demands.

Our progress in Science must be forward, outward and upward. Our ship must have speed, and yet be seaworthy. We cannot establish a conception of God that is greater than our application of that understanding. The rule is to spiritualize our own thought as we grow in the ability to handle error, and then apply this growth in helping others to free themselves from falsity.

As long as we are givers, we need not fear that we will pass on; but if we live so selfishly that it would make very little difference to the world whether we passed on, we have little basis from which to trust that our stay on earth is under divine protection and law. Mrs. Eddy once wrote to Mr. Kimball, “The truth that is good is your life, and doing good you sustain it, but fearing evil you lose it.”

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