Watching Point 346

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346 — WATCH lest you believe that your blood, or thought, is impure and needs to be purified (when you have some discordant manifestation). There is no Science involved in an effort to purify impure blood, or even impure thought. The correct modus is to realize that your thought and your blood are both pure because God made them so; hence you must watch that no suggestion causes you to believe that thought, or blood, has become impure. In Science we do not strive to purify thought, or blood; we defend ourselves from the erroneous suggestion that it is impure, that it has become impure, or that it ever could become impure.

Once Mrs. Eddy said, “Blood is thought and your blood is pure thought, a health-giving, life-giving thought, and nothing impure can enter into that thought; it is perfectly pure. You are not in body. You are not governed by matter; there is no matter; but you are governed by and govern with divine Mind.”

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